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Fixed braces

For precise tooth corrections.

Even fixed braces don't have to be as noticeable as many think. We offer you all the options of inconspicuous treatment.

From mini metal brackets to self-ligating brackets and transparent tooth-colored ceramic brackets, we offer a wide range of options.

Our team will be happy to provide you with detailed advice and help you choose the braces that best suit you.

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The fixed braces

Reliable and proven. Thanks to fixed braces, we can correct any type of misalignment of teeth. In our practice we offer a wide range of options for treatment with fixed braces.

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What advantages do fixed braces have to offer?

The advantages of fixed braces compared to removable braces are many. The fixed variant is significantly more efficient, as it remains in the mouth permanently and can act continuously.

In contrast, removable braces require the patient's regular cooperation, which can sometimes be difficult, especially for children and adolescents. Adults also often encounter difficulties integrating such braces seamlessly into their daily lives. For this reason, many find wearing fixed braces easier, as they do not require any additional discipline.

Then lingual treatment with WIN is the perfect choice.

Our primary goal is to provide functional and aesthetic solutions that allow our patients to feel completely comfortable.

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Self-ligating Mini Ceramic Brackets

With self-ligating brackets, the wire is held directly by the bracket, eliminating the need for conventional fasteners such as elastics or wire loops. This allows for uncomplicated cleaning and provides maximum wearing comfort.

Crystal clear and inconspicuous. Self-ligating brackets are also available in crystal clear, making them barely visible, the edges are rounded and the material is resistant to discoloration.

Gentle. Self-ligating brackets create less friction and are therefore gentler and more comfortable for the patient.

Shorter treatment appointments. Due to the easier handling, your appointments in practice are only of short duration.

Shorter treatment duration. In the course of treatment, fewer arch changes are necessary. As a rule, this noticeably shortens the duration of treatment.

Self-ligating Ceramic Brackets

The aesthetic and inconspicuous tooth-colored ceramic brackets are especially popular with adults and adolescents.

Ceramic brackets feature rounded edges and a smooth surface, which ensures a high level of comfort and prevents discoloration.

Please note that the additional cost of ceramic brackets is not covered by health insurance.

Metal Brackets

Metal brackets are an integral part of orthodontic treatment and are widely used. They offer high stability, reliability and are also the most cost-effective option. If indicated, health insurance will cover the cost of treatment up to the age of 18.

For allergy sufferers, a nickel-free version of the brackets is available to avoid potential allergic reactions.

To make metal brackets more attractive for children, colorful rubber rings can be used to add playful accents.

We focus on aesthetics right from the start of treatment.
Discreet treatments are our goal.

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You would like to know more? Make an appointment. We will be very happy to advise you.

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Read more …Fixed Braces


Invisalign for teenagers

Crooked teeth were yesterday ?




Now discreetly and inconspicuously correct your teeth with clear aligners, completely without visible wires and brackets.

The transparent, removable aligners are also available for teenagers.

We have been certified since 2001 and now have more than 20 years of experience with Invisalign and are an Invisalign Platinum Elite Provider.


Invisalign - transparent aligners

With Invisalign, you stay flexible. The nearly invisible Invisalign aligners are so transparent that most people probably won't even notice you're wearing them. You can easily take them out to eat, drink, brush your teeth, and for special occasions.

? However, you should wear the aligners for at least the recommended 22 hours a day.

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Be free with Invisalign.

The aligners can be removed flexibly. For sports, a job application or a date.
What is the process of Invisalign treatment?
  • 01

    Beratung & Diagnostik

    Während Ihres ersten Termins führen wir eine gründliche Beratung durch. Dabei untersuchen wir, welche Therapieoptionen für Sie geeignet sind, schätzen die voraussichtliche Dauer einer potenziellen Behandlung ab und informieren Sie über die anfallenden Kosten.
  • 02

    Intraoral Scan

    Der Prozess beginnt mit einer digitalen 3D-Scannung der Zähne, um ein genaues Abbild zu erstellen. Basierend auf diesem Abdruck werden dann die maßgeschneiderten Aligner hergestellt. Außerdem werden wir Fotos von dir und deinen Zähnen aufnehmen, die ebenfalls in die Planung der Zahnspange einfließen.
  • 03


    Innerhalb weniger Minuten erzeugen wir mit dem Intraoralscanner ein präzises 3D-Bild deiner Zähne. So kannst du dir dein zukünftiges Lächeln anschauen, bevor die Behandlung überhaupt startet.
  • 04


    Basierend auf dem Ergebnis des digitalen 3D-Scans wird im Anschluss ein digitaler Plan des gesamten Behandlungsprozesses erstellt. Unter Verwendung von 3D-Drucktechnologie werden dann die maßgeschneiderte Schienen individuell für den Patienten erstellt.
  • 05

    Beginn der Behandlung

    Jeder Aligner wird für etwa zwei Wochen getragen und übt sanften Druck auf die Zähne aus, um sie allmählich in die gewünschte Position zu bringen. Nachdem ein Aligner abgeschlossen ist, wird der nächste in der Reihe verwendet, bis die gewünschte Zahnstellung erreicht ist.
  • 06

    Regelmäßige Kontrolltermine

    Um den Behandlungsfortschritt zu überwachen und gegebenenfalls Anpassungen vorzunehmen sind regelmäßige Kontrolltermine ca. alle 4 bis 8 Wochen in unserer Praxis erforderlich.


During your first appointment, we will conduct a thorough consultation. During this process, we will examine which treatment options are suitable for you, estimate the expected duration of potential treatment, and inform you about the costs involved.


Intraoral Scan

The process begins with a digital 3D scan of the teeth to create an accurate image. Based on this impression, the custom aligners are then made. We will also take photos of you and your teeth, which will also be used in the planning of the braces.


3D simulation

Within a few minutes, we create a precise 3D image of your teeth with the intraoral scanner. So you can see your future smile before the treatment even starts.



Based on the result of the digital 3D scan a digital plan of the entire treatment process is then created. Using 3D printing technology, the customized splints are then created individually for the patient.


Start of treatment

Each aligner is worn for about two weeks and applies gentle pressure to the teeth to gradually move them into the desired position. After one aligner is completed, the next in line is used until the desired tooth position is achieved.


Regular control appointments

In order to monitor the progress of treatment and make adjustments if necessary, regular check-ups are required in our practice approximately every 4 to 8 weeks.
What makes aligners for teens different from others?

Wear time indicator

The longer the aligners are worn, the paler the color of the blue wearing time indicator becomes.
Inserting the aligners is that easy.
  • Step 1

  • Step 2

  • Step 3

  • Step 4

Important notes and tips for use.
  • The aligners should be worn 22 hours a day to achieve the treatment result.
  • The aligners should be removed for eating and drinking sweet drinks (everything except water). The teeth should then be brushed before the aligners are reinserted.
  • The aligners should be cleaned with a toothbrush and toothpaste and rinsed under running water.

Classic Invisalign treatment is not only popular with adults, teenagers also benefit from treatment with Invisalign Teen.

You Can Expect a Very Bright, Modern Space With a Inspiring and Cozy Atmosphere
  • Transparent

    The aligners are transparent and barely visible.

  • Removable

    The aligners are comfortable to wear and they are simply removed for eating.

  • Predictable

    Individual treatment with a more predictable result

  • Gently

    The aligners exert gentle pressure on the teeth and thus reliably correct the malocclusions.

  • Easy to clean

    Simply clean under running water with a toothbrush.

Our practice in the heart of Frankfurt on the Freßgass.
A space to relax, drink coffee and enjoy on the 7th floor and the skyline.

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We are looking forward to your visit in our practice.

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Read more …Invisalign Teen

we make you smile


Transparent, removable aligners.



With the invisible aligners, you can easily and inconspicuously correct your misaligned teeth without anyone noticing.

  • Our practice has been awarded Invisalign Platinum Elite status.
  • Dr. Thomas Banach has been a certified expert in Invisalign treatments since 2001.
  • With over 20 years of experience with Invisalign, we are the ideal practice for your smile.

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Invisalign - transparent dental aligners

The use of Invisalign can be easily integrated into your everyday life. Invisalign offers a discreet and comfortable alternative to traditional braces, as the aligners are transparent and removable, which makes eating, drinking and dental hygiene easier.

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Transparent, comfortable and removable.

The application of Invisalign is extremely simple. The aligners can be easily removed, so you can eat, drink and perform your oral hygiene as usual without any restrictions.

The aligners apply gentle and invisible pressure to your teeth to reliably correct your misalignments.

However, the aligners should be worn for at least 22 hours a day and only removed for meals, drinks and brushing your teeth.

Our work is excellent!

  • Siegel Deutschlands ausgezeichnete Ärzte 2023


    Dr. Thomas Banach in the list of "Germany's Excellent Doctors 2023".

  • Siegel Focus Top-Mediziner


    Dr. Thomas Banach received Focus magazine's Top Physician Award back in 2012.

  • PraxisPlus

    Awarded for exemplary service quality & practice culture.

  • Invisalign

    We are Invisalign Provider & certified since 2001.

  • Siegel Qualitätsmanagement-System


    Quality management system audited by an independent assessor.

Tooth correction
also goes differently.

Discreet, individual, effective.

This is what you can expect from us:

  • Competence

    Only experienced orthodontic specialists and dentists with many years of experience perform the treatments.
  • Quality

    More than 15 million patients worldwide have already been successfully treated with Invisalign.
  • Affordable

    Take advantage of our attractive option of interest-free installment payments over a period of 24 months. Find out about our affordable financing options.
  • Invisalign discount

    Thanks to our Platinum Elite Invisalign Provider designation, we can pass on the full lab discount to you.
  • Invisalign experience

    With over 20 years of Invisalign experience, we have successfully treated numerous patients with the aligner trays.
  • we make you smile

    • Excellent results
    • A quick treatment time
    • Gentle tooth movement
    • High wearing comfort

Course of treatment

  • Consulting & Diagnostics

    In our first appointment you can expect a thorough consultation and diagnosis with the most modern techniques. We take the time to comprehensively address your individual needs and transparently explain the appropriate treatment method, expected duration and costs.
  • Intraoral Scan

    To begin with, an impression of your dentition is taken in our practice. For this purpose, we use a state-of-the-art intraoral scanner that allows you to scan comfortably instead of taking conventional impressions.
  • Planning

    By using a special computer-assisted graphic process, a predefined treatment goal is visualized three-dimensionally based on the current condition of your dentition. This visualization is divided into individual treatment phases.

    For each of these phases, the individual custom splints are produced.

  • Treatment

    The custom-made aligners are worn for approximately two weeks for 22 hours per day to apply continuous pressure to the teeth and move them into the pre-calculated position.

    This process continues, aligner by aligner, until the desired treatment goal is achieved. The total duration of treatment varies depending on the extent of the misalignment of the teeth, averaging between 12 and 24 months.

How easy it is to use Invisalign

  • Step 1

  • Step 2

  • Step 3

  • Step 4

Advantages of Invisalign

  • Fixed braces with ceramic brackets

    More cost-friendly in combination with metal brackets.

    Read more

  • Invisalign extra for teenagers

    Invisalign Teen was specially designed to meet the needs of today's teenage patients.

    Read more

  • The fixed braces on the inside of the teeth

    The lingual technique meets the highest aesthetic demands.

    Read more

Cleaning the aligners is extremely easy.
Gently rinse the aligners under running water to clean them thoroughly.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

You would like to know more? Make an appointment. We will be very happy to fry you.

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Read more …Invisalign

Invisible from the outside

Lingual technique

The braces that are truly invisible.

The lingual technique enables esthetically pleasing tooth correction without visible brace components.

The brackets of lingual braces are placed on the inside of the teeth, which makes it invisible from the outside.


The aesthetic braces

Since our establishment in 1997, we have been using the lingual technique for treatment in Dr. Banach's practice and have actively followed, helped shape and applied the developmental steps.

As one of the leading practices for lingual technology in Germany, we have acquired extensive expertise in the application of the lingual treatment method and thus have a very large wealth of experience in this field.

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The lingual technique offers the optimal solution for those who attach great importance to aesthetics.

Especially for adult patients, aesthetics is the main focus of orthodontic treatments. Due to their professional and social obligations, they require treatment methods that are as discreet as possible.

Lingual treatment offers you a combination of fast and efficient treatment, outstanding aesthetics and perfect results. The best part is that you do not need any cooperation or disciplined wearing of aids during the entire course of treatment.

Then lingual treatment with WIN is the perfect choice.

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  • The bracket base

    The individual bracket base enables an extremely flat design.

  • The bracket body

    The bracket body adapts to the respective tooth shape.

  • Superelastic treatment arches

    The superelastic treatment arches enable gentle and painless movement of the teeth.

WIN Lingual Technology
High Tech made in Germany
The lingual technique is completely a customized solution and allows treatment with completely individualized brackets and archwires.
The following elements are combined:
  • The ultra-flat design of the brackets ensures high wearing comfort.
  • The brackets are made completely individually.
  • The treatment arches are superelastic and are precisely bent by a bending robot.
  • The results are predictable.
  • The lingual technique works reliably at any age.
  • It is suitable for both simple and complex cases.
  • The lingual technique is made by experienced experts.
  • Reliable and sustainable three-dimensional correction of all tooth misalignments.
  • The inside of the tooth is more resistant to demineralization due to the self-cleaning function of saliva.
The lingual braces remain completely invisible from the outside, so they can be worn discreetly.
During a meeting, no one will notice that you are wearing braces.

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  • The lingual brackets can be universal 2D miniature brackets.

  • WIN bracket made individually for the patient.

You would like to know more? Make an appointment. We will be very happy to fry you.

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Read more …Invisible Braces