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Invisible from the outside

Lingual technique

The braces that are truly invisible.

The lingual technique enables esthetically pleasing tooth correction without visible brace components.

The brackets of lingual braces are placed on the inside of the teeth, which makes it invisible from the outside.


The aesthetic braces

Since our establishment in 1997, we have been using the lingual technique for treatment in Dr. Banach's practice and have actively followed, helped shape and applied the developmental steps.

As one of the leading practices for lingual technology in Germany, we have acquired extensive expertise in the application of the lingual treatment method and thus have a very large wealth of experience in this field.

The lingual technique offers the optimal solution for those who attach great importance to aesthetics.

Especially for adult patients, aesthetics is the main focus of orthodontic treatments. Due to their professional and social obligations, they require treatment methods that are as discreet as possible.

Lingual treatment offers you a combination of fast and efficient treatment, outstanding aesthetics and perfect results. The best part is that you do not need any cooperation or disciplined wearing of aids during the entire course of treatment.

Then lingual treatment with WIN is the perfect choice.

The bracket base

The individual bracket base enables an extremely flat design.

The bracket body

The bracket body adapts to the respective tooth shape.

Superelastic treatment arches

The superelastic treatment arches enable gentle and painless movement of the teeth.
WIN Lingual Technology
High Tech made in Germany
The lingual technique is completely a customized solution and allows treatment with completely individualized brackets and archwires.
The following elements are combined:
  • The ultra-flat design of the brackets ensures high wearing comfort.
  • The brackets are made completely individually.
  • The treatment arches are superelastic and are precisely bent by a bending robot.
  • The results are predictable.
  • The lingual technique works reliably at any age.
  • It is suitable for both simple and complex cases.
  • The lingual technique is made by experienced experts.
  • Reliable and sustainable three-dimensional correction of all tooth misalignments.
  • The inside of the tooth is more resistant to demineralization due to the self-cleaning function of saliva.
The lingual braces remain completely invisible from the outside, so they can be worn discreetly.
During a meeting, no one will notice that you are wearing braces.

The lingual brackets can be universal 2D miniature brackets.

WIN bracket made individually for the patient.

You would like to know more? Make an appointment. We will be very happy to fry you.