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Dr. Laura Gabel Martinez

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Dr. med. dent.
Laura Gabel Martinez

Dentist and Assistant for Further Training in Orthodontics

  • since July 2023

    Training assistant for orthodontics in the practice of Dr. Banach
  • 2022-2023

    Dentist in general dental practice in Frankfurt am Main
  • 2022

    Doctorate at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
  • 2015-2021

    Studied dentistry at Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
  • 2012-2018

    Studium der Zahnmedizin an der Ruprecht-Karls-Universität, Heidelberg

Termin buchen

Praxis Dr. Thomas Banach in Frankfurt und Königstein Erfahrene Kieferorthopädie Praxis Dr. Thomas Banach in Frankfurt und Königstein Tolle Teamarbeit  in der Praxis Dr. Thomas Banach in Frankfurt und Königstein

Read more …Dr. Laura Gabel Martinez

We protect your teeth

Sports mouth guards

Safety for your teeth during sports

Wear an individual sports mouthguard when playing sports.

The National Youth Sports Foundation estimates that more than five million teeth are lost annually in the United States due to sports injuries.

List of sports that can endanger your teeth

Aktiver Sportmundschutz schützt Ihre Zähne

Only from the orthodontist

Protect your teeth effectively with a custom mouthguard.

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Customized protection
Your individual mouthguard

Only with an individual sports mouthguard the teeth are optimally protected.

The custom mouthguard from our practice fits the athlete's teeth perfectly. It fits tightly and allows unrestricted breathing. After a short acclimatization period, it is even possible to speak normally with the sports mouthguard in place.

Our laboratory manufactures the mouthguard individually from high-quality, durable rubber that meets the highest standards of hygiene. This is done after taking impressions of the upper and lower jaw.

Individueller Sportmundschutz in Wunschfarben Der Sportmundschutz schützt die obere Zahnreihe - Darstellung anhand eines Modells

All-round protection: Complete coverage of the upper row of teeth with the mouthguard.

An elastic, two-millimeter-thick rubber bite relief between the rows of teeth absorbs abrupt pressure caused, for example, by a blow from a stick, head, arm or shoulder.

The mouthguard is available in a variety of plastic colors, so individual looks (e.g., club colors) are possible according to the patient's wishes. This increases the willingness of children to wear the mouthguard.

These sports can put your teeth at risk:

It is recommended to wear a proper mouthguard to protect the teeth in all these sports.

  • Contact sports such as soccer, rugby, ice hockey, boxing
  • Martial arts like karate, taekwondo, muay thai
  • Ball sports like basketball, handball, volleyball
  • Water and water sports such as water polo, water polo, surfing
  • Skateboarding, inline skating and other extreme sports
  • Motorsports such as motocross, racing
  • Cycling and mountain biking
  • Tennis and squash
  • Recreational sports such as hiking, climbing, skiing

Sport is our passion. We are a proud and official youth soccer partner of 1. FC TSG Königstein.

Dr. Thomas Banach

Read more …Sports Mouth Guards

It's never too late...

for adults

The treatment of adults has been a focus of our practice since its inception.

Through continuous training, we can offer our adult patients treatment alternatives that are easy to combine with their everyday working lives.
  • 01

    Lingual therapy

    The fixed brace on the inside of the teeth.

  • 02

    Invisalign for adults

    Transparent, removable aligners

  • 03

    Fixed braces with ceramic brackets

    Ceramic brackets are tooth colored and little visible

  • 04

    Are you planning to have dentures?

Schöne Zähne in Frankfurt am Main

Straight and beautiful teeth know no age

Often, treatment was missed in adults during childhood or adolescence. Fortunately, advances in modern orthodontics now allow us to correct malocclusions in a medically appropriate manner even in adulthood.

Orthodontics for adults: correction of malocclusions at any age

Through special treatment techniques such as lingual treatment, Invisalign®, treatment of snoring patients or temporomandibular joint patients, the choice of special materials such as inconspicuous ceramic brackets and flexible scheduling of appointments on Saturdays or in the evenings until 8:00 p.m., we take into account the professional and social commitments of our adult patients.

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How do I know if an orthodontic practice is really good?

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Tooth colored braces

Fixed braces with crystal clear ceramic brackets

Tooth colored braces

Invisalign - the transparent braces for adults

Invisalign for adults - the alternative

Transparent dental aligner

Lingual braces on the inside of the teeth

The fixed braces on the inside of the teeth

Invisible braces

Digital treatment

Intralocal scan and digital planning

Experienced diagnostics

Software based case analysis

Invisalign - the transparent aligner for removal

Invisalign for adults - the alternative

Invisalign is a real alternative to fixed braces. Over 15 million patients worldwide have already changed their smile with Invisalign.

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Invisalign Unsichtbare Zahnspange Frankfurt am Main Invisalign nur vom Experten in Frankfurt Invisalign vom Experten Frankfurt am Main

Lingual technique

The fixed braces on the inside of the teeth.

The lingual technique meets the highest esthetic demands and is particularly suitable for adults who value inconspicuous tooth correction.

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Lingualtechnik Unsichtbare Zahnspange Frankfurt am Main Zahnspange von Innen nur vom Experten in Frankfurt Invisalign vom Experten Frankfurt am Main

The discreet fixed braces

Fixed braces with crystal clear ceramic brackets

Ceramic brackets are tooth-colored and are therefore less visible. In combination with metal brackets, this variant is more cost-friendly.

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Zahnfarbene Zahnspange Frankfurt am Main Keramik Bracket Frankfurt am Main Zahnfarbene Zahnspange Frankfurt am Main

Orthodontics before dentures

Are you planning to have dentures?

Orthodontic treatment of adults is an important link between periodontology, implantology, oral surgery and prosthodontics. The improvement of esthetics and the desire for functional dental health are the decisive treatment motives.

Often, preprosthetic orthodontics can be very useful before the insertion / planning of dentures.

Please contact us. We advise you very gladly.

Termin buchen

Read more …Adult Orthodontics

Straight teeth for teens

Dental correction for young patients

Braces for teenagers

The importance of beautiful and straight teeth is particularly important at this stage of life and strengthen the self-confidence and public appearance of young people.

Although children and adolescents are not always enthusiastic about the idea of braces, straight teeth and a correct bite are important not only from an aesthetic point of view. A beautiful set of teeth boosts children's self-esteem, while correct jaw alignment helps prevent speech errors.

Our treatment measures are always aimed at being appropriate for everyday life and age. The treatment should not interfere with the patient's life.


Braces for teenager

We are aware of the challenges our patients face during puberty and therefore always strive for gentle and aesthetic solutions in treatments at this age.

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  • Fixed braces with ceramic brackets

    More cost-friendly in combination with metal brackets.

    Read more

  • Invisalign extra for teenagers

    Invisalign Teen was specially designed to meet the needs of today's teenage patients.

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  • The fixed braces on the inside of the teeth

    The lingual technique meets the highest aesthetic demands.

    Read more

We are looking forward to your visit in our practice in Frankfurt directly on the "Freßgass".

Dr. Thomas Banach

The path to a charming smile is sometimes not so far. This is the journey to beautiful and straight teeth.

  • Consultation &

  • Intraoral Scan &
    3D Simulation

  • Beginning of

  • Let's Smile

    The treatment is completed.

You would like to know more? Make an appointment. We will be very happy to advise you.

Make an appointment now

Read more …Teen Orthodontics

Healthy teeth for children

From milk teeth to mixed dentition

Orthodontics for children

Healthy and straight teeth from an early age.

When children laugh, that's the greatest thing for parents! Straight and healthy teeth are also considered the ideal of beauty. And that's what parents want for their children, of course.

But it's not just aesthetic aspects that play a role. Straight teeth and a correct position of the jaw are also important for health aspects.

If the teeth grow crooked or the teeth bite poorly together, then a visit to our practice is advisable. With the help of early treatment, jaw growth can be optimally influenced.

We’re looking forward to welcoming you.

Your team of the practice Dr. Thomas Banach


Braces for children

It is therefore important to identify and treat dental and jaw malocclusions early to prevent potential problems and improve the child's oral health and quality of life.

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Your child in good hands.

Competent diagnosis, consultation and treatment in our orthodontic practice in Frankfurt am Main.

Go to FAQ's

Your family dentist has recommended orthodontic treatment for your child. Or you yourself think that there is something wrong with the position of your child's teeth.

Parents sometimes worry too much at this point. Many questions suddenly arise: Does the treatment hurt? Will our child be laughed at by other children? Does it understand the necessity of such a lengthy treatment? Is it all really necessary?

These and many other questions will be discussed in detail below. What we would like to say at this point, however, is that you should not delay a necessary treatment. Many worries dissolve into nothing after a good consultation.

You will certainly find an answer to some of your questions here. We have compiled some interesting information about orthodontic treatment in our FAQ's for you.

For optimised development. When speaking, chewing and breathing.

The position of the teeth and jaws has a great influence on your child's speech development, phonation, chewing function and breathing.

Cooperation with Specialists.

Through close cooperation with other specialists such as ENT doctors and speech therapists, we can react holistically to problems and bring about an improvement in speech development such as lisping or an improvement in nasal breathing by widening the upper jaw.

We always make sure that the treatment measures are compatible with everyday life and age.

With all the necessary measures, however, one thing is always in the foreground for us, especially when treating children and adolescents: the treatment must not determine the patient's life too much.

How can tooth & jaw misalignments develop?

  • Due genetic predisposition.

  • Through thumb sucking and pacifier sucking.

  • Due to early tooth loss.

What consequences can misaligned teeth and jaws have?

Misaligned teeth and jaws in children can have a variety of effects. These include:
  • Aesthetic impairment:

    Crooked teeth or an uneven bite can negatively affect the child's appearance and lead to lower self-esteem.
  • Language problems:

    Misalignments in the jaw or dentition can affect articulation and pronunciation, which can lead to speech errors.
  • Chewing:

    Uneven dentition or an improper bite can make it difficult to chew food effectively.
  • Oral hygiene:

    Crooked teeth can make oral hygiene more difficult, as certain areas are harder to reach. This increases the risk of tooth decay, gum disease and other oral health problems.
  • TMJ problems:

    Uneven jaw and bite relationships can lead to TMJ problems, which can manifest as pain, jaw cracking, or limited mouth mobility.
Make an appointment in our practice.

Timely detection and treatment of dental and jaw malocclusions is of great importance to prevent potential problems and improve the child's oral health and quality of life.

By performing an examination of your child, we can detect malocclusions of the teeth and jaws at an early stage. If necessary, we will discuss the appropriate treatment options with you.

A child's laugh,
is pure joy.

How old should my child be when orthodontic treatment begins?

Tooth development varies individually, so the age of your child is only a point of reference. The eruption of the second teeth and the type of malocclusion are decisive for the optimal timing of orthodontic treatment. We examine your child and determine the recommended time window for treatment.
  • Time slot 1:
    The orthodontic treatment in the deciduous age.

    Treatment in the milk tooth age is between the 3rd and 6th year of life. We only decide to start treatment so early if there are weighty reasons. For example, there are tooth misalignments that worsen considerably in the further course and are difficult to treat at a later stage.

    The advantage of such early treatment is that the jaw is still soft and particularly malleable. This means that major treatment progress can be achieved in a much shorter time and with significantly less effort than would be possible at a later stage.

    Early treatment in the primary dentition is only necessary in a few cases. If the upper jaw is too narrow in relation to the lower jaw, we speak of a crossbite. Frontal and lateral crossbites should already be treated in the primary dentition. In this way, we can prevent possible growth inhibitions of the upper jaw or even a shift of the midline at an early stage and positively influence further development.

  • Time slot 2:
    Orthodontic treatment in the early mixed dentition

    If treatment begins between the ages of 6 and 10, we also speak in orthodontics of early treatment. At this time, the jaw is still easy to shape and the children usually already cooperate well. Often relatively simple orthodontic means and a relatively short treatment period are sufficient to achieve the desired success. Above all, however, since the jaw becomes more difficult to shape with increasing age, very strong corrections are only possible in the early mixed dentition.

    Malocclusions for which early treatment may be advisable are:

    • Crossbite
    • Strong backbite
    • Prebite
    • Open bite

    During treatments in the early mixed dentition, we concentrate on promoting growth and harmonizing the jaw. The actual malocclusions are usually corrected later in the permanent dentition. By promoting the growth of the lower jaw, we counteract extremely large front tooth steps ("distal bite"). With the help of functional orthodontics, we can also achieve harmonization of facial and soft tissue growth and ensure increased stability of the bite by optimally adjusting the dentition. We can achieve these treatment successes in just 1½-2 years. The decisive factor, however, is the appropriate timing; if this is missed, complete harmonization of the jaw may no longer be possible.

  • Time slot 3:
    Orthodontic treatment in mixed dentition

    Most children receiveorthodontic treatment between the ages of 10 and 13. The second teeth have erupted. This is the ideal time to correct malocclusions in the permanent dentition. This is also what the guidelines for orthodontics say. They specify binding criteria. Orthodontic treatment should only be started at the beginning of the change of teeth from the deciduous dentition to the late mixed dentition.

    We can also still influence jaw growth in the mixed dentition, but the possibilities are already more limited compared to treatment in early childhood. Most children have not yet reached puberty and usually support the treatment very well through their cooperation. The best time for your child's orthodontic treatment depends on the type of malocclusion, the degree of severity and the maturity of your child's teeth. It is best to make an appointment for an examination with our practice team right away. We will take a close look at your child's malocclusion. We can then tell you which treatment options are available and when we should start treatment.


Here we have compiled comprehensive information about orthodontics for children.

  • Do I need a referral for my child when I take him to the orthodontist or orthodontist.

    In most cases, the family dentist will determine the jaw or tooth misalignment during a check-up and refer your child to a specialist in orthodontics. But of course you can also directly ask our opinion about possible malocclusions of your child's teeth. We do not need a referral from you. Just make an appointment with our practice team. We look forward to your visit and will tell you what to do after the examination. You will receive a treatment recommendation from us for your child, we will discuss possible treatment options and determine when is the best time to start treatment.
  • Do children not like braces?

    We get regular feedback from parents and children and can safely say that things have changed quite a bit. In the past, children didn't like braces - today it's completely different. Braces have not only evolved technically, but also visually. Thanks to colored and transparent brackets, they have become a fashionable accessory. Kids think their braces are chic and we think it's great that they don't just show off their beautiful teeth after successful treatment, but show off their new braces with a proud smile beforehand.
  • When is my child at the right age for their first orthodontic checkup?

    Children should be examined for jaw and tooth misalignments at the latest when they start school. However, there are also a few dental malocclusions that are more treatable at an earlier stage. We will go into more detail below about why this is the case. If you recognize a malocclusion in your child at a very early age or see that the teeth are not biting together properly, we recommend an orthodontic examination when the child reaches the age of 3. Make an appointment with our practice team. We are looking forward to your visit. After the examination, we will tell you if early treatment is recommended and what it would look like. We do not want you as parents to worry unnecessarily or even miss the ideal time for treatment. Therefore, we will go into more detail about when which treatment is advisable.
  • How old should my child be when orthodontic treatment begins?

    Tooth development proceeds individually. Therefore, the age of your child is a point of reference, but not an absolutely binding parameter. An important criterion for the optimal starting time of orthodontic treatment is the eruption of the second teeth. The eruption of teeth begins earlier in some children, in others somewhat later. It is also decisive which malocclusion is being treated. Not all malocclusions can be treated equally well at the same age. We distinguish a total of three time windows that are recommended for the optimal treatment of the various tooth and jaw anomalies. After the initial examination, we can say whether your child needs orthodontic treatment and, if treatment is necessary, in which time window it should take place.
  • Should children go to the dentist or orthodontist alone?

    Preventive dental checkup.

    Parents want to teach children to be independent at an early age and sometimes send them to dental checkups on their own. This is understandable and actually a good idea. But keep in mind: The dental advice for a necessary dental or orthodontic treatment is not always in the right hands with a child. He or she may not yet fully appreciate the implications or may withhold the treatment recommendation at home out of exaggerated fear of possible pain. We recommend accompanying children to their family dentist for dental checkups.

    The orthodontic treatment.

    If orthodontic treatment has already begun in our practice, ongoing treatment appointments can also be attended by older children and adolescents without the accompaniment of their parents. However, please note: From the initial consultation to the start of orthodontic treatment, the accompaniment of parents is urgently required.

  • Welche Kosten werden bei einer kieferorthopädischen Behandlung für Kinder und Jugendliche von der Krankenkasse übernommen?

You would like to know more? Make an appointment. We will be very happy to advise you.

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Read more …Children's Orthodontics